Images from the German Revolution, including the Wilhelmshaven Revolt. Copied to clipboard 1910s revolutions German Revolution 1918 Comments
Why past revolutionary movements have failed Anton Pannekoek, from "Living Marxism" Vol. 5, # 2 - Fall 1940.
The Wilhelmshaven revolt, 1918-1919 - Ikarus The Wilhelmshaven Revolt - a chapter of the revolutionary movement in the German navy, 1918-1919, by 'Ikarus' - real name Ernst Schneider…
In the Freest State in the World - Ret Marut (B. Traven) A satirical text about German democracy and the Munich Soviet Republic of 1919, in which Ret Marut …
Anti-Bolshevist Communism in Germany - Paul Mattick The council-communist Paul Mattick looks back at the German revolution he participated in.
The Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919: The Forgotten Revolution - Alan Woods Trotskyist Alan Woods on the Hungarian uprising of 1919. Wood's account suffers from the usual…
The last words of Eugen Leviné Eugen Leviné (1883 – 1919) was one of the leaders of the short-lived Bavarian Council Republic and a member of the Communist Party of Germany…